Notorious Life: 4 Tips To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

LifestyleWellnessJanuary 04, 2024

New Year’s resolutions are like hot air balloons – easy to inflate, but tough to keep afloat. We all start the year with big plans and grand aspirations, but before we know it, we’re back to square one. But what if I told you, that sticking to your resolutions is simpler than you think? Continue reading this article to discover four strategies for nurturing greater self-kindness and achieving healthier outcomes in your life.

Start Small at the Gym

Resolving to get fit is a noble goal, but expecting to become a gym rat overnight is unrealistic. Take baby steps and hit the gym once or twice a week to build momentum. Your body will thank you for it. And in general, lead a more active life. Health experts are full of ideas on how to incorporate new habits into your daily life. For example, take the stairs instead of the lift or park your car and walk.

Eat Better, with a Twist

How to stick to New Year’s Resolutions of eating better? One little bite at a time. Going from junk food to a kale-only diet is a recipe for failure. Instead, learn to love wholesome food and allow yourself a few cheat days to keep the balance. I love saving healthy recipes from TikTok and trying to make them at home. Because of this, I have started to eat a lot more vegetables naturally. Furthermore, cultivate the habit of ‘listening’ to your body and remove foods that aren’t serving your well-being. Begin by eliminating sugar; you might find that tea or coffee without sugar is surprisingly delightful. Plus, chocolate with 70% cocoa content is not only healthy but also an excellent choice for satisfying sweet cravings.

Read: The Birth and Death of a Diet, A Story of Hunger and Madness.

Career Goals Take Time

Quitting your job and hoping to land your dream job overnight is a pipe dream. Instead, do your research, update your resume, save up, and then make the leap. Open a profile on LinkedIn and go to meet friends. Keeping your social networks active is among the most effective strategies for securing a new employment opportunity.

Be Kind to Yourself

At the end of the day, how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions is to be gentle with yourself. Keep your eyes on the prize, but focus on every small step towards your goals. This will prevent burnout and keep you motivated. If you falter one day, don’t be discouraged; instead, reset and start anew the following day. Cultivating a mindset of perseverance is vital in your life. Remember, change is a gradual process, so allow yourself to relax. Celebrate every small success, each step you take towards your goal, and be grateful. It’s important to surround yourself with people who support your well-being. For transforming toxic habits, distancing yourself from toxic individuals is equally essential.

Wishing you a wonderful 2024!