Be careful with dirty makeup brushes!

Washing hands several times a day, rubbing hand-sanitizer and disinfecting cellphones have become the “new normal”. But how about dirty makeup brushes? Did you know they can carry bacteria and even viruses to you eyes, nose and mouth? But before you start frantically getting rid of your used beauty tools, read here why and how to clean your makeup brushes.
Dirty makeup brushes and dull skin

Dead skin cells, oils and makeup residue build-up on unwashed beauty tools and can clog your pores. Additionally, the longer you don’t clean brushes, the rougher and harder their bristles get. In other words, when you use them, it will be almost like scrubbing your face with a brillo pad! The dirty makeup brushes can irritate the skin. Also, they scrub away your skin’s natural protective layering and brightness, resulting in dull skin.
Say no to breakouts and infections
Dirty makeup brushes accumulate bacteria and germs that you will spread around your face when you used them again. The bacteria and dirt clog your pores, causing acne breakouts. Additionally, they can worsen skin conditions and even cause infections. By the way, if you share your brushes with friends and don’t wash them, they can spread bacterial infections such as conjunctivitis and herpes.
How often you should clean your makeup brushes
Even in non Coronavirus times, it is important to wash brushes regularly, ideally, once a week. Luckily, there are easy ways to clean your makeup tools with special brush cleaners like removal liquids and gels.
How to clean dirty makeup brushes
You can also clean your brushes with good old lukewarm water and soap. Wet your brushes’ bristles and swirl them into the soap. Use a textured surface as a silicone mat to work the lather. Rinse well and squeeze out any water left. Repeat if necessary. Then, gently squeeze the bristles with a clean cloth to reshape them back to their original form. Let your brushes dry flat. One of the most commons mistakes you must avoid is to let your tools soaking in water; this could damage the glue and make the brushes shed.
Can dirty makeup brushes carry coronavirus?
We know the virus can last on surfaces like plastic and steel up to three days. And since makeup tools come in direct contact with your face, it is safer to disinfect them too. To fight bacteria, germs and even COVID-19 virus, spray directly onto your dirty makeup brushes a high-quality disinfectant like Virusclin. Then, wipe your tools dry with a paper towel or a clean cloth.