Judi Dench is the oldest Vogue cover star And the most beautiful.

At 85 years old, Oscar-winning actress Judi Dench stars on the Vogue UK June issue’s cover. She looks astonishingly beautiful with her sharp blue eyes and flawless skin. And Judi Dench Vogue cover is already a historical one, making her the oldest star on a cover of a fashion magazine!
The photo shooting was done before the Covid-19 lockdown by photographer Nick Knight. But in the interview, Dench talks about how she is experiencing isolation.
“I am sure I feel like everyone else; such unprecedented times are quite hard to comprehend.” And she adds, “What is a good thing is that it has made people aware of the predicament of others who are completely alone. If a great deal of kindness comes out of this, then that will be a plus.”
Judi Dench on Vogue cover, on TikTok & Twitter
We’ve witnessed on social media, many fiascos of the celebrity world during this time of the pandemic. Suddenly, we’re not interested (not to mention, bored) in hearing or watching famous and glamorous people in their crystal palaces trying to get our likes and share. But Mrs Dench, 85, without any social media presence, has become viral on TikTok while dancing with her grandson. And a video her daughter posted on Twitter showing the actress wearing a dog hat has been watched 5.4 million times.
What can celebrities learn with Judi Dench? We, the everyday people, followers and fans, we want to relate to real human beings showing honest feelings and not staged emotions. We want the brands to be transparent and people to be authentic.
How to buy Vogue UK June here
Image courtesy @vogue