Effective Weight Loss Tips for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Various factors influence skin health and appearance, from biological factors like age and genetics to lifestyle choices like diet and sleep quality. However, not many are aware that body weight can also play a role in dermatological conditions. For instance, a study published in the journal Advances in Dermatology and Allergology demonstrates how weight affects skin health by looking at the relationship between body mass index and acne severity. Findings indicate that participants with moderate to severe acne had a higher BMI than those with mild acne.
As this suggests that a lower, healthier BMI can have skin-related benefits, we briefly look at the connection between body weight and skin conditions and offer weight loss tips for healthy skin.
The Connection Between Weight and Skin Health
In addition to increasing your body fat percentage, putting on weight can also affect your blood sugar levels, which otherwise makes you prone to various skin conditions. In fact, research shows that even milder elevations in your blood sugar can make your skin feel dry, itchy, flaky, and irritated. In severe cases, weight-related type 2 diabetes can contribute to skin rashes and a higher risk of fungal and bacterial infections.
Being overweight or obese can also contribute to hormonal imbalances, thus impairing skin barrier function and worsening overall skin health. Those with obesity are also at a higher risk of sweating, chafing, and clogged pores, which all serve as risk factors for dermatological conditions such as acne and skin rashes. Fortunately, these weight-related risks of skin conditions can be managed through the weight loss tips discussed in the next section.
Weight Loss Tips For Better Skin:

1- Tailor Your Meal Plan
While many crash diets promise quick and easy results in as little as two weeks, there tends to be a yo-yo effect since this initial weight loss only involves water weight. So, those wondering, “How long does it take to lose weight” must remember that the weight loss journey is rarely linear. Instead of dropping pounds too quickly, aim for a modest average of one to two pounds a week through a meal plan tailored to your current body weight, nutritional needs, and overall lifestyle. You can start by focusing on foods rich in fibre and protein, as these nutrients make you feel fuller for longer and make the diet more sustainable in the long term.
2- Do Cardio and Strength Training
Of course, it helps to complement your nutritionally balanced diet with physical activity. But instead of choosing just about any type of workout, fitness experts recommend strength training to lose excess body fat while still maintaining muscle mass. By building and maintaining muscle with the help of dumbbells, kettlebells, and bodyweight exercises, it is easier for your body to burn calories and achieve a healthier weight. You can also combine your routine with cardio to warm up the body and get your heart rate up. Just remember to cleanse your skin properly after every workout to avoid triggering breakouts due to sweat and oil buildup.
3- Stay Hydrated
Lastly, hydration is key to healthy and sustainable weight loss. As discussed in a previous post on reasons why you should drink enough water, water can help prevent overeating while also improving digestion. Instead of drinking sugary beverages, opting for calorie-free water can also help you achieve a calorie deficit. Hydration also has skin-related benefits, allowing you to moisturize your skin and keep it smooth and elastic to hit both goals at once.
In summary, a healthy weight contributes to better skin health by regulating your blood sugar levels and hormones. You can lose weight healthily and achieve better skin by adopting a tailored food plan, doing cardio and strength training, and prioritizing hydration in your daily lifestyle.
Images @Canva and @Pexels